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You elected me less that two years ago and not only have I worked my tail off, I delivered the results you asked for. Now, you have a choice:

- You asked for increased penalties for those who intentionally deal deadly fentanyl; I personally sponsored that bill, got it through the House and the Senate, and it was signed by the Gov. this summer.


- You asked me to freeze real estate property tax for seniors so they are not taxed out of their home; that's done and the program begins this year.


- You said you wanted a return to common sense and for me to work across the isle when possible; I was the only legislator to sponsor IVF protection for Missouri and won recognition as "Legislator of the Year for Women's Health Care" because of it.


- I promised to fully support unions, including actively fighting against right to work crap and for prevailing wage. I did just that and now right to work is as dead as a doornail (and it damn sure better stay that way or they'll have me to fight)!

- You said you wanted the legislature to spend less overall but to invest more in services that you care about. So, I helped to cut $3B from the Governor's budget and then voted to invest a record amount into public education and to increase teachers salaries. I also voted to support a brand new mental health facility in our area.


I've had so much caffeine at constituent meetings, coffees, teas, one-on-ones, HOA meetings, and Northland town hall's that it kept me buzzing for weeks on end (lemonade meeting anyone?). But the best feeling in the world is that I am truly honored and mighty humbled to represent YOU - all of you: union and non-union; business owners and workers; white collar and blue collar; retirees and those who need child care support (now, not later!); those who voted for me and those who didn't. I've tried hard to stay in the middle.

Look, our house district 17 is split about evenly; it's close to 50% Republican, 50% Democrat, and what we think is a growing number of independent voters in the middle. Naturally, this election will be closely decided (the last election was won by 37 votes and several recounts).

My hope is that you're looking for the best qualified candidate to represent you (although many only vote red or blue tickets, and I understand that too). In any case, please know that your vote matters a LOT in this election. If you are one of those independent-minded folks who genuinely wants the best quality candidate to win, you'll do you own research and likely discover that I'm the best qualified candidate by a country mile.

I'm a Navy veteran with nearly 26 years of military service (both enlisted and officer). I have proven legislative experience, a winning track record of accomplishing everything that I promise, decades of senior leadership experience, and more education than you can shake a stick at (PhD, MBA, and even a Bachelor's in Aeronautics). But I think my personal story matters a lot more than any education or accomplishments.


I grew up below poverty in KC and eventually lived in an orphanage for a couple years - believe me, I understand hard scrabble! After a tough life, my Mother joined the Boilermakers union and that literally saved her life and provided for her retirement (that's my personal "why" of always fighting for union members). Meanwhile, I learned by working my way up from the bottom to the top of organizations over and over again. Before my mother died, she watched her son not only become a first-generation college graduate, but go on to earn a military commission, advance to Lt. Commander, and even earn a PhD along with multiple senior-level executive roles in higher education. I've had a bit of the American dream! But now I want you to have even more for yourself, your family, and for our future generations. 

I mean it when I say that I'll always represent you as if you were my own family. That means that you can call me, text me, email me, facebook message me, come by my house (in this district we all live within a few miles of each other) or send a carrier pigeon - no matter what, I'll be there for you. 

I was raised to have common sense. That's probably why I'm not afraid to say that both parties have extremists, and those loud voices often drown out our quiet majority. I don't know about you, but I've had enough political finger-pointing, name calling, and party blaming to last a lifetime. Let's come together!


If you believe that qualifications, experience, accomplishments, and the guts to do what's right still matter, then please vote for me. If you like the idea of politicians acting like grown-ups and believe statesmanship is still possible, then vote for me. If you want a representative who considers the will of the district more important than his own, then I'm your candidate. But if you're looking for the same old party politics and foolishness, you have a different choice to make.


Please, no matter how you decide to vote, watch out for any House candidate who makes empty promises to be delivered through the Missouri legislature. No matter which side of the isle it comes from, ask "How, exactly, will you do that? Please tell me your plan to get that idea into a bill, through the majority in the House, the majority in the Senate, and then earn the full support of the Governor so that he signs it into law?" If the politician (or wanna-be-politician) can't answer that question, that person is at best making an empty promise, or much worse, is flat out lying to you. 


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